
The term “personal brand” has been around for decades, ever since management expert Tom Peters coined the term in 1997. At the time, it was a revolutionary thought: just as corporations create and manage brands, people can also choose how they want the world to see them. 

The personal brand concept came into play just as social media platforms emerged. Not only could you decide how you wanted the world to see you, now you could actually edit and showcase your brand for (literally) the world to see. Instagram and more recently, Tik Tok, launched the careers of millions of influencers, people who might never have achieved conventional fame a few years ago but are now making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year just for being themselves (and videoing every moment.)  

Your personal brand is important, especially if you’re an elite college athlete. Now that NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) policies are in place, you can also profit from your college athletic experience in ways no generation before ever could. 

Becoming a brand can be exhilarating, but it also requires strategic thought and constant monitoring. It’s not just about how you look and how you perform in your sport. It’s also about how you conduct yourself on and off the field, how much you share publicly, how seriously you take your sport and your career ambitions, and even, sometimes, about the company you keep.  

You’ve probably worked hard on your on-the-field brand. You’ve decided you want to be known as the athlete who never quits, the one who trains the hardest, the leader on the field or in the locker room,  or being the toughest competitor, the hardest hitter, or the strongest finisher.  

If you’re hoping to make an NIL deal with a major brand, you’ll need to keep in mind that companies want to connect to athletes with a personal brand that matches their company values.  The more you can demonstrate those values, the better chance you have of securing an NIL deal.  

But if you haven’t thought through how you want to be perceived in your business career, this is the time to begin. Just as you started your athletic brand by thinking of ways you want to be described, you can start your career brand by choosing three words or phrases that you’d like to be known for, 

Here are some ideas: ambitious, competitive, high achieving, someone with leadership potential. How about: team player, emotionally intelligent, focused, thorough, analytical, goal-oriented. Maybe you’re creative, innovative, persuasive, not easily discouraged or deterred – unstoppable.  

Once you have a few words or phrases you’ve chosen for your personal brand, take a long look at how you’re presenting yourself on social platforms and in real life. Do you speak, look, and act like that person? Is there room for improvement, ways you could do a better job at being the person you’d like to be known as? 

Both in business and in sports, your social platforms are your most important assets. Companies will look at the presentation of your brand and the size of your audience. They’ll look for positivity, commitment to your sport and your values, and professionalism. Don’t forget that a single negative or unprofessional post can undo the work of hundreds of positive posts. 

Podium X’s NIL Pitch is designed to give a quick overview of your accomplishments and personal brand and a glance into your own social media success. It’s a great way to introduce yourself to companies you’d like to consider a partnership with. 

Remember, the real you is probably pretty awesome. So don’t be afraid to show your personality and what makes you – you!   

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